Children's Ministries
During the worship service, we have a special time for children ages 4-8, called "Kingdom Kids" where they gather together to read and learn more about what the Bible teaches. We are once again offering nursery to children 0-3 yrs. If you would like to take advantage of this ministry, please let us know when you arrive.
VBS is an annual ministry to children of our valley who are going from Kindergarten into first grade, through 5th grade. Generally, we hold VBS in the early part of June.
AWANA is offered between September and April of each year, for grades K - 6th grade. We have club after school, from 3:45 - 5:45 pm. Please contact the church for more information.
Youth Group is available for grades 6-12. We meet regularly to study the Bible, play games, and enjoy fellowship.
VBS is an annual ministry to children of our valley who are going from Kindergarten into first grade, through 5th grade. Generally, we hold VBS in the early part of June.
AWANA is offered between September and April of each year, for grades K - 6th grade. We have club after school, from 3:45 - 5:45 pm. Please contact the church for more information.
Youth Group is available for grades 6-12. We meet regularly to study the Bible, play games, and enjoy fellowship.

Bible STudy
During the fall, we offer an Adult Bible study on Sunday mornings. FCC offers both Men's and Women's Bible Studies during the week, and Youth Study every week. Please contact the church for more information on times, and locations.